形态各异的松鼠形状组合:简单的图形,神奇的组合,创作了我们可爱松鼠造型。 这是我在几年前见到的作品,但今天聊天的时候,忍不住向大家分享了这个我最喜欢的儿童用品设计作品。animodul 是一个儿童品牌的衣服和玩具,它们都有一个共同点:衣服或玩具上都绘制了一个不相同的动物图形。宝安画册设计 宝安产品摄影
animodul by atipo
I remember this from a few years back, but it came up during a chat today and I couldn’t help sharing it. One of my favourites. animodul is a brand of clothes and toys for children, with the identity based on lively animal patterns, all with a common design. 宝安企业画册设计 宝安LED画册设计
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